4.2.2. Create Links between Brand and Product Records

Example ChapterThis chapter covers how to create a link between the records of the Brand and Product data models as a step of the "Extend Models" chapter .

The remote link is a class with utility methods to manage links between data models' records.

It’s registered in the Medusa container under the ContainerRegistrationKeys.REMOTE_LINK (remoteLink) registration name.

For example, consider the following step:

9import { BRAND_MODULE } from "../../modules/brand"10
11type LinkProductToBrandStepInput = {12  productId: string13  brandId: string14}15
16export const linkProductToBrandStep = createStep(17  "link-product-to-brand",18  async ({ productId, brandId }: LinkProductToBrandStepInput, { container }) => {19    const remoteLink = container.resolve(20      ContainerRegistrationKeys.REMOTE_LINK21    )22
23    remoteLink.create({24      [Modules.PRODUCT]: {25        product_id: productId,26      },27      [BRAND_MODULE]: {28        brand_id: brandId,29      },30    })31
32    return new StepResponse(undefined, {33      productId,34      brandId,35    })36  }37)

In this step, you resolve the remote link, then use its create method to create a link between product and brand records.

The create method accepts as a parameter an object whose properties are the names of each module, and the value is an object.

TipUse the Modules enum imported from @medusajs/framework/utils to for the commerce module's names.

The value object has a property, which is the name of the data model (as specified in model.define's first parameter) followed by _id, and its value is the ID of the record to link.

The above step can have the following compensation function that dismisses the link between the records:

1export const linkProductToBrandStep = createStep(2  // ...3  async ({ productId, brandId }, { container }) => {4    const remoteLink = container.resolve(5      ContainerRegistrationKeys.REMOTE_LINK6    )7
8    remoteLink.dismiss({9      [Modules.PRODUCT]: {10        product_id: productId,11      },12      [BRAND_MODULE]: {13        brand_id: brandId,14      },15    })16  }17)

The dismiss method removes the link to dismiss between two records. Its parameter is the same as that of the create method.

Next Step: Extend Create Product API Route#

In the next step, you'll extend the Create Product API route to allow passing a brand ID, and link a product to a brand.

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